Friday, May 21, 2010

My Freshman Year.

My freshman year has been crazy. I've lost and made new friends because it's like once people get to high school there a hole new person. I never really believed people when they said that the person you were best friends with in middle school wont be the same as when you get to high school, yet now i see that because my best friend from middle school is now my enemy and i now have new friends. Through the high school there are also the teachers that you learn to be best friends with and then the ones that you don't like at all but you have to learn to just deal with them and try not to talk back to them so you don't get in trouble. Yes, there was many of time that i've got in trouble but even if i was in trouble i always learned to have fun with it rather if it's a ISS or just having to sit out in the hallway for talking. Either way i can say that i have enjoyed my freshman year here at moline high school.

Friday, March 5, 2010

How does Animal Farm tie into real life?

Many people think of animals and only think of what they can do with them to make money, but Animal Farm is a book that explain how animals feel about humans just using them for what they can produce and then farm animals decide to rebel against humans. For example, people look at chickens and think they can get their eggs until they no longer can produce eggs and then they kill the chicken for food, or you get a cow and use it's milk until the cow produces problems or no longer can make milk and then there slaughtered like they did a crime. Therefore this all can tie into reality because even though the animals can't talk and can't rebel against the human race, other people can stand up for animals and say that using the animals like we do isn't right and people need to rather not eat as much meat or not to eat it at all. Vegetarians are one group that would be the people to say that eating animals is not right. Even though humans were created as carnivores, people take advantage of the animals on the planet, and soon the animals will run low and eventually run out.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Who holds power in my life?

I hold power in my own life. I figure that in three and a half years I'm going to have to take control of my own life anyways so why not start now and have my parents around for the decisions that are to big for a fourteen year old to take. I don't like people going around telling me what to do like they are the ones living my life. My parents also see the situation the same way I do, they believe that i am a young adult and have to start taking responsibility for my actions. They still make sure that I stay out of trouble and help me with the big decisions. Therefore I try to keep my parents trust, so I am able to go out with my friends and have fun. Although most teens that are around 20 years old and are out living in tiny houses and don't have any money are usually the ones where there parents gave them whatever they wanted and did everything for them, so my parents are just preparing me for the real world out there.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Teens running away from home.

In 2002 alone 1.6 billion children or teens ran away from home in the United States. While some argue the biggest reason for teens running away is simply that their spoiled, the most important factor is teens getting mad at their family.

Most people would just say that teens who run away are just ignorant and don’t realize what they have. Many different people could take different sides depending on what they think about this subject. Or maybe even say that their stupid and they need to deal with their problems in a different way. They could also feel as if they got them self into trouble and they need a break or they need to escape. Also, Teens could run away to feel free, or to runaway from something.

I on the other hand; say that its cause they have issues that no one, besides the other people who have been through it, can understand. Sometimes when the teens try to get help or try to tell someone it just makes things worst at home. Their parents might not take them serious when they try to talk to them about it. So sometimes the issues are just to big to deal with them self and they cant just go around telling everyone hoping things get better. The reason people run away from home is that they get angry or just cant deal with issues at home. A lot of times they get mad because there’s a lot of fighting at home. Fighting could be between parents; the kids usually think the fighting is there fault. On the other hand, they could just not like seeing their parents fight. Fighting can lead to depression, which depression could make you do stupid things such as running away. Their house could also not be a safe place for them to live in every day. Their parents or older siblings could be the abusive type of family. If their parents are abusive alcoholics then they cant do anything about it beside call the cops or run away from it, and if they don’t want to get their parents in trouble then they wont call the cops. So basically they just don’t want anyone to hit them anymore. Also, another unsafe condition could be that there does drugs and maybe that teen doesn’t like to be around. Some addictions can be abusive, for instance, there are some alcoholics or drug users that are abusive.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

What are the different types of vegetarians?

First there are the full vegetarians, which only eat foods from plants, that means no eggs, no dairy, no fish, no honey and most of all no meat. Then there's the vegans, which don't eat meat and dont use animals for uses such as leather, wool, or silk. Lacto- vegetarians will include dairy into their all plant food diets. Lacto-Ovo-Vegetarians even though it sounds just like Lacto-vegetarians just with a small extra word their very different. They eat eggs and diary. Pesco Vegetarians eat fish and eggs and diary, But Pollo Vegetarians eat eggs, dairy, fish, and poultry such as chicken, turkey, and duck and what not.

Friday, October 30, 2009

islamic religion

Islam other know as Muslims, is a very wide religion, worlds second largest religion actually. There are between 0.7 to 1.2 billion followers in the world. Which is about 21 % of earths population. Islam was found my Muhammad. There holy books consist of The Qur'an (literal words), The Suhuf-i-Ibrahim (scrolls of Abraham), The tawart (the pentateuam), The Zabur ( psalms from Hebrews scriptures), The Injil (the gospels), and The Hadith ( collected saying of Muhammad). Some of their important holidays consist of Al-Hijra/ Muharram (the Muslim new year), Mawildal- Nabi (celebration of Muhammad's birth) which is like a Christmas for Islamics, then also Ramadan which is the holiest period in the Islamic year, held during the entire ninth lunar month of the year. In the Islam religion they have to fallow a set of rules/ standards that are called the five pillars of Islam. 1. You must recite the Shahadah. 2. Perform the Salat five times a day. There's Fajr (in morning), Zuhr (in the noon), 'Asr (afternoon), Maghrib (sunset), then Isha ( at night). 3. You must donate to charity through Zakat regularly. 4. To fast during the lunar month of Ramadan. 5. If economically and physically able then you must makeatless one hajj to mecca. If you were to decide to change your religion to Muslim then you might think there dress code is strict, but they do it for your own good. 1. clothes must cover entire body and only the hands and your face can show. 2. Material must be thick enough to were you can see threw it. 3. Clothing must hang loose so you can't see the body figure of someone. 4. Females clothing must not resemble the males clothing. 5. Must not resemble the clothing of someone who doesn't believe in the Islamic religion. 6. Designs on clothing must not consist of bold designs which attract attention. 7. Clothing must not be worn to gain reputation or to increase one's social status. Then they're no actual Hierarchy in the Islamic religion.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Why fight when you know you're going to get in trouble for it?

When two people conflict in high school it usually always results in a fight. It always starts with someone calling someone else a name or a false rumor starting around school. Then when they go to confront them, things get out of hand. When someone goes to confront them they usually bring their "posse" to back them up. Their friends or the other people who are watching what's going to happen, they always try to get a fight started by yelling out comments to get them pumped, then a fist gets thrown and that's where the fight gets started. Most parents say that when someone tries to fight you to just walk away. But news flash, they have feet to so they will just fallow you until you give them what they want, which is only attention. If someone hits you then you cant just sit there or just walk away. Cause then they'll just walk all over you and it will happen again. But you should never throw the first hit, then it's just all your fault and you get in trouble. There are also was to go around it to avoid fighting all together, but walking away isn't always as easy as they make it seem. You could always go to a teacher and tell them your problem, don't do the hole talk in a circle to see what the problem really is cause that only makes things worst. But if you sit right next to them in a class then ask the teacher nicely for a new seat or if it's really serious then ask for a new schedule. Or when they do go to confront you then don't get sassy and make comments that could start a fight. Even if there yelling and calling you names, take it calmly. Eventually they will just feel like a idiot and walk away realizing that they look as stupid as they feel cause they're yelling at you while you're listening and telling them the true story.